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The Most Common Canine Health Problems Related to Diet

The Most Common Canine Health Problems Related to Diet

When a dog starts showing signs of health issues, it can be challenging to pinpoint what’s wrong. Even when you identify the problem, the specific cause isn’t always apparent. Don’t worry, though. The guide below will help you learn more about the most common canine health problems related to diet. Read through the points below so that you can act quickly when potential diseases strike your pet.


Pancreatitis is inflammation in the pancreas, but the issue goes beyond causing discomfort. This medical problem is life-threatening, so understanding how it can happen is crucial. Potential signs of pancreatitis include vomiting, diarrhea, and any indication the dog is experiencing abdominal discomfort.

Pancreatitis typically occurs as a result of a high-fat diet. Unfortunately, just as humans shouldn’t have high-fat diets, neither should dogs. So, the best way to prevent pancreatitis in your dog is to feed them nutritionally balanced food that is high quality human grade protein and low in fat. In other words, 100-percent organic, human-grade food is ideal. By giving this to your dog, you can prevent them from taking in large amounts of dietary fat throughout the day.


One of the leading health issues in canines is obesity. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention’s (APOP) 2018 survey on the subject estimated that nearly 60 percent of cats and dogs in the US were overweight. Unfortunately, this issue is nothing new, so how do you prevent it from happening?

The best course of action is to prioritize portion control. You should also provide lean, healthy calories in your dog’s food. In doing so, you can ensure all the calories that your pet eats contain healthy nutrients. If your dog is eating more calories than it’s shedding, it’ll gain weight quicker than it should.

However, if you provide your pet with the optimal calorie count, it can live happily and healthily. For this reason, we match pet owners with a healthy dog food subscription fit for adult dogs. We can set up a plan for puppies, too.

Skin Conditions

Not only are skin problems easy to spot, but they’re also some of the most common canine health problems related to diet. If your pup is receiving a balanced, nutritional diet, it should have wonderful skin and fur. However, poor dietary habits can lead to dry skin. Plus, unhealthy eating can cause the fur to become frail and brittle.

The possibility of skin conditions is one of the many reasons to take a closer look at what your dog is eating. After all, to understand what part of the dog’s diet is causing the issue, you must take a deeper look at the ingredients it eats. Simply put, you should serve your pooch human-grade food that is organic to keep their coat shiny and healthy. For this reason, we’re very open with what ingredients are in our organic meal plans, making it easy to see whether the recipe is right for your pooch.

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