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Note from the Founder

Note from the Founder

I want to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Barbara Marshall. I am the founder of Wag Tantrum, a human grade, organic dog food company. If you’re reading my blog you most likely know I got into this because of my Boxer, Lily. She was riddled with issues. I was told we would be lucky if she lived beyond five years. Upon hearing this I chose to give her the best life she could have. It started with changing her food...and she lived a fabulous life until she was 11.

I am NOT a veterinarian. I am a pet owner that was frustrated with an industry focused on profit versus health. Me extensive research clearly showed that every health issue Lily experienced pointed to diet, although some issues were genetic, but exasperated by poor nutrition. The truly shocking learning I had was that years of poor nutrition for our pets was producing puppies with problems stemming from the poor nutrition! Growing up our dogs never had issues. My mother, a nutritionist by education, fed our dog food from the table. Not gravy coated food, but genuine beef, chicken, pork, vegetables and some fruits. Our dogs were healthy. Our first family Boxer lived to the ripe old age of 13. Never sick! So I decided it was time to get back to my roots and change the way Lily was eating.

My back ground is medical sales and clinical support. I have had to learn more about the human body than I ever thought possible. The majority of the patients I saw could help their condition by doing one thing. Changing their diet. I ran with that thought and I have read books on canine nutrition written by experts. I have taken on- line classes to further my research. Do a little research yourself and you will discover we have been giving our dogs food that completely misses the mark nutritionally. I am not here to say that all kibble is bad. However, you do need to do the research and learn to read the labels. Then ask yourself, are you comfortable feeding your best friend food with low nutritional value like fillers and salt? I believe it’s time to rethink dog food!

Be on the look out for my next blog.....How to read your pet’s food label! Please sign up to receive my blog at

And feel free to pass this to the other dog lovers in your world!


Barbara Marshall

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