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Pets Can Pick Up Harmful Pesticides

Pets Can Pick Up Harmful Pesticides

Beautiful Fall days invite outdoor adventure as the cooler temps beckon. And nothing is more fun than a day in the sun with our favorite pooch picking apples, walking through parks or a day at the beach before it gets too chilly. Outings with our pups are great all year, and they are especially fun when Autumn weather hits.

But…be watchful! Recent studies show that herbicides applied to lawns and pesticides applied in fields may be harmful to our pups. With no shoe leather (or rubber soles!) to protect their feet they are at risk for absorbing harmful residue. Then, they double their dangerous exposure by licking their feet! A big help is to wash your pooch’s feet when you finish your adventure. A dip in warm water with a good soap and rinse will go a long way to diminishing the absorption of harmful chemicals.

And give your dog a boost in the battle against harmful herbicide and fertilizer buildup by feeding natural dog food —100% organic human grade food is the best! Since Fido is picking up harmful chemicals in the outdoor environment, help him out by providing organic dog food that is free of these harmful additives. 

After all, what’s a fun Fall without our favorite pup!

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